The Tai Chi Club

Tai Chi & Qi Gong Classes / Yang Style

Tel: 07814 526808



Tel: 07973 527233 (Sue Wain)

Class Times

Tai Chi Classes (Indoors)

Beginners Welcome to all Classes

Greenwich Community Centre at 7pm - 8pm on Tuesdays 

£8.00 per session pay as you go.

Tel: 07973 527233 (Sue Wain)

Benefit Martial Arts and Fitness 11.00am -12pm on Fridays  

 £8.00 per session pay as you go.

62-76 Butterley Hill, Ripley DE5 7LT


Qi Gong Chinese Exercises (Zoom classes)

Thursday Evening 6.00pm - 7.15pm

Qi Gong Chinese Exercises

Eighth Silken Brocade, Meditation and Zhan Zhuang

£6.00 per class pay as you go

Mondays  1pm - 2pm Wellbeing Centre. 2pm - 3pm Qi Gong  

Riddings Community Centre Mondays or join for the whole wellbeing session as

stated above.

1 Hour £6.00 per session, pay as you go

Please Note

The Tai Chi Club website lists Instructors who have attended one of our clubs for a minimum of 400 sessions. They have certification to instruct through The Tai Chi Union of Great Britain. They are not employed by The Tai Chi Club. Each Instructor is personally responsible for their insurance (In connection with The Tai Chi Union for Great Britain) and implementing correct procedures. For any financial or legal enquiries that may arise at their own venues or other teaching sessions contact the Instructor directly for that venue.

This video includes a discussion on Tai Chi and Mindfulness by Riddings teacher Sue Wain (filmed by Joseph Pettit, University of Derby)


Qi Gong 14 Postures

Learn Chinese breathing methods. Contains 46 detailed illustrations.

Just £2.76 from Amazon Kindle store

Visit Amazon

David Beckham discusses Tai Chi

Tai Chi Union for Great Britain 
